> Tony and I are going today. We're leaving from Downtown Berkeley BART
> around 10 AM. Everyone is welcome to join us! 860-263-9478
> We can enjoy some architecture afterwards. :-)
> -ro
> On 7/22/14 3:48 AM, Mitar wrote:
>> (In San Francisco there is a spring at SF Mozilla offices. Go there!)
>> Mitar
>>> Hi!
>>> PeerLibrary is participating in Mozilla Science Lab Global Summer
>>> Sprint:
>>> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/sciencelab-2014summersprint-sites
>>> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/sciencelab-2014summersprint-peerlibrary
>>> Join the sprint in your city! Connect with others who work on open
>>> science, find ways to connect our projects, share ideas and experience.
>>> This is one great opportunity for each of us to go out and meet wider
>>> open science community.
>>> Mitar