LibrePlanet is an annual conference for free software
enthusiasts, co-produced by the Free Software Foundation
(FSF) and the Student Information Processing Board at MIT
(SIPB). LibrePlanet brings together software developers,
policy experts, activists and computer users to learn
skills, share accomplishments and face challenges to
software freedom. Newcomers are always welcome, and
LibrePlanet 2015 will feature programming for all ages and
experience levels. FSF members and students attend
LibrePlanet gratis.
This year, the theme of LibrePlanet is "Free Software
Everywhere." Talks at this year's conference will touch on
the many places and ways that free software is used around
the world, as well as ways to make free software
ubiquitous. At LibrePlanet 2015, we're once again teaming
up with the Student Information Processing Board at MIT
(SIPB), and together we're taking software freedom around
the world, to outer space, and through all kinds of
industries, governments, organizations, fields of study,
and communities.
We're excited to feature a keynote address by Karen
Sandler, executive director of the Software Freedom Law
Center. The conference will also feature workshops in
using free programs, talks and discussion panels with free
software luminaries, plentiful networking opportunities,
and a pre-conference social gathering.
If you're interested in the role of technology in
struggles for justice, community, and freedom, then you
will find a lot to be excited about at LibrePlanet. Join
us at LibrePlanet 2015: Free Software Everywhere!
for the conference now or become a member
to attend at no cost.
Hope to see you at LibrePlanet!
Libby Reinish
Campaigns Manager