- From: Mitar <
- To:
- Cc: PeerLibrary outreach <
>, Mingtao Fang <
>, Brian Kim <
>, Gary Richmond <
>, Gaurav Garg <
>, Genevieve Tran <
>, Siddhant Tandon <
>, Dongjie Zhu <
>, Matthew Waliman <
>, Matej Jan <
- Subject: [PeerLibrary outreach] Re: [PeerLibrary dev] Re: PeerLibrary kickoff meeting
- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 16:22:05 -0800
Yes, Matej (CCed) will be around most of the day, so just type in my
name and he will open the door (or anyone else of you). So yes, come
together and go over what you read and learned and study together. If
there is anything unclear, ask Matej, or prepare a list of questions and
send them to the development list and I will answer when I get back.
P.S.: We should probably move all this discussion to development list
only. So is everyone on the development list? Then we can start just
sending there things related to development.
How do we get into BiD tomorrow? Do we still type in 'Mitar' on the side
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 2:33 AM, Mitar
> Hi!
> A short summary of the meeting (more you can see below in the pad):
> Regular weekly meetings will be Wednesday 5 PM, starting March 4.
> Fridays 10 AM - 5 PM will be collaborative working days. In BiD. Come
> when you have time and others will be there working, so you can work
> with them, ask questions, etc. I will be around as well.
> First 4 weeks we are learning Meteor. We split the book Discover Meteor
> into 4 parts and deadlines for them are:
> - by February 27 read up until Routing
> - by March 6 read up until Latency compensation
> - by March 13 read up until Pagination
> - by March 18 read to the end of the book
> Mitar
>> Hi!
>> Just a reminder, like always, meeting minutes and agenda have a known
> URL:
>> http://pad.peerlibrary.org/p/meeting-2015-02-23
>> And Google hangout link for remote participation for people outside
>> Berkeley:
> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/YmVya2VsZXkuZWR1X2UyYTVhcWc4cXJnaWM2bnQ2ZDk0OG0yNXJnQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20.kijreb7bhpl8qfkr7n9d549so4
>> Mitar
>>> Hi!
>>> Let's have it this Monday, 5-6 PM. So February 23. In BiD. Call me on
>>> 510-717-4612 if you are lost or stuck outside.
>>> Mitar
> --
> PeerLibrary, facilitating the global conversation on academic literature
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